Deutsche Flussspat

Successful Financing Round for DFG

v.l.n.r.: Volker Bräuninger (stellv. Abteilungsleiter, Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw), Oliver Trautmann (Leiter Beteiligungen, MBG), Florentin Walker (Geschäftsführer, S-Kap), Erik Eckhardt (Investmentmanager Bereich Beteiligungen, MBG), Kerstin Gatzlaff (Mitglied des Vorstandes, Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw), Simon Bodensteiner (Geschäftsführer, DFG), Pia-Sophie Kössler (Bereich Unternehmensfinanzierung, L-Bank), Peter Geerdts (Geschäftsführer, DFG)

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of a financing round. This financing allows us to accelerate the preparatory work for the reopening of the Käfersteige mine to extract fluorspar, a raw material listed as critical by the EU and Germany for various industries. “We are extremely proud of the successful completion of this […]

DFG Project Early Public Participation

Deutsche Flussspat is currently preparing official application documents for planning approval including an environmental impact assessment for the first-phase examination work in the Käfersteige mine, supported by several specialist consultancies. As part of an early public participation process, all members of the public have the opportunity to be informed about and comment on the planning. […]